17 June - 19 August 2017

Visual references run within every image. With memory acting as an internal archive, the photographer’s vision is filtered through a layer of surrounding imagery. The writer Teju Cole once described the relationship between photographs as “a river of interconnected images wordlessly but fluently commenting on one another.” Within this river, photographs both inform images to follow as well as reflect their realm of influence. 

ROSEGALLERY presents Reference, a collection of works examining the archive of the artist’s mind through the visual pairing of works with their images of influence. Original pieces by Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Diane Arbus, Jo Ann Callis, Jeff Bellerose, Dirk Braeckman, Bruce Davidson, Misha de Ridder, William Eggleston, Richard Ehrlich, Elger Esser, Robbert Flick, Todd Hido, Leanna Hicks, Evelyn Hofer, Graciela Iturbide, Ken Kitano, Summer Mann, Sebastian Riemer, Joachim Schulz, and more are on display alongside referential works. The exhibition begins on 17 June, with an opening reception from six until eight, and will remain on view until the 19 of August.