Rinko Kawauchi, proclaimed first lady of Japanese photography, is discussed on Culture Trip by Lucia Andia.

Of the ten things mentioned, Rinko builds on narratives, "I want imagination in the photographs I take. It’s like a prologue.". In each narrative she sees the light and the dark, the balance of dualities. Her series Light & Shadow from 2011 illustrates the concept perfectly.
While photographing the most ordinary of subjects from sandwiches to spider webs, they serve Rinko as a visual diary, or visual haikus. Photographing for her is instinctual, but also inspired by her subconscious. Dreams influenced Rinko to create her series Ametsuchi, which translates to 'songs of the universe'. And notably, Rinko's camera of choice is a Roliflex, the same camera used by aclaimed Irving Penn.
Read the full checklist of 10 Things to Know About Rinko Kawauchi on Culture Trip