ROSEGALLERY and Red Hen Press are hosting a poetry reading and gallery exhibition walk-through. Readers include Brendan Constantine, Orlando Menes, and Alicia Partnoy.
The event will take place on 23 March from 7-9PM at the gallery.
Brendan Constantine is the author of the poetry collections Dementia, My Darling (Red Hen Press, 2016), Calamity Joe (Red Hen Press, 2012), Birthday Girl with Possum (Write Bloody Publishing, 2011), and Letters To Guns (Red Hen Press, 2009), which is now taught extensively in schools across the nation.
Orlando Ricardo Menes is Professor of English at the University of Notre Dame where he teaches creative writing, literature, and translation. His latest poetry collections are Heresies (University of New Mexico Press, 2015) and Fetish, winner of the 2012 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Poetry. He is also the author of Furia (Milkweed, 2005) and Rumba atop the Stones (Peepal Tree, 2001).
Alicia Partnoy was born in Argentina. During her time as a political prisoner her stories and poems were smuggled out of prison and published anonymously in human rights journals. Since her arrival in the United States, she had lectured extensively at universities and community groups. She is best known as the author of The Little School: Tales of Disappeareance and Survival in Argentina, Revenge of the Apple, and You Can't Drown the Fire: Latin American Women Writing in Exile.
Red Hen Press is a nonprofit literary organization that is committed to publishing works of literary excellence, supporting diversity, and promoting literacy in our local schools. They seek a community of readers and writers who are actively engaged in the essential human practice known as literature. Red Hen consists of Arktoi Books, Boreal Books and an outreach program Writing in the Schools (WITS).
Visit redhen.org for details.