Staff writer Samantha Melamed for The Inquirer discusses Mark Cohen's new working habits in Philadelphia.

Mark Cohen, Two Young Women at Fence, 1975
Cohen was motivated to move, finally, in 2013, only because he felt he had taken every photo there was to take in Wilkes-Barre and Scranton.
"I would drive to Scranton and take pictures for five minutes," he said, "because I had done everything."
Relocating to Philadelphia has reinvigorated his practice. In a darkroom in the Center City apartment where Cohen lives with his wife, Lillian, archival boxes marked "2013," "2014," and "2015" sit on shelves, awaiting what he hopes will someday soon be a show of his Philadelphia photographs. –Samantha Melamed
From The Inquirer's online posting from 28 October 2015.
More Mark Cohen.