The San Francisco Bay area in the 1960's was home to members of The Beats and Haight-Ashbury Hippies, upheaval in the black community, the Free Speech movement and several University strikes, to name a few. The Vietnam War was well under way and America was in turmoil. Ken Graves, a former US Navy turned artist mentions “I found myself, upon discharge, in a city and at a particular historical moment characterized by rebellion and protest against the dangers implicit in too much authority.”

"The pictures here, made by Kenneth Graves as a young man in the Bay Area, show a world full of disjunction, of oddball events that seem to fall out of the sky and into his lap—or, more appropriately, into his field of vision. But they are more than amused observations. They show something of the world he came back to when he decided to settle in San Francisco amid the tumult of the nineteen-sixties." ~Sandra S. Phillips
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