The Language of Form
22 February - 29 March 2025ROSEGALLERY is pleased to present The Language of Form, a presentation of works by Chiron Duong, Karl Blossfeldt, Manfred Müller, and Rinko Kawauchi that examine the roles that stillness and...Read more -
de terra
curated by Jaushua Rombaoa 13 July - 24 August 2024ROSEGALLERY is pleased to present de terra, a group exhibition curated by Jaushua Rombaoa. de terra showcases instances of humanity’s mark on the natural world through the photographs of Penelope...Read more -
Del Cielo
30 September - 25 November 2023ROSEGALLERY is pleased to present Del Cielo, a collection of photographs by Graciela Iturbide, Masahisa Fukase, Jo Ann Callis, Rinko Kawauchi, and James Gallagher. Artists and poets have drawn inspiration...Read more -
All This Happened: Twenty Nine Years of ROSEGALLERY
14 September - 30 October 2021'All This Happened: Twenty Nine Years of ROSEGALLERY' will be on view from 14 September - 30 October 2021. The group exhibition features works by Jo Ann Callis, Kennedi Carter, John Chiara, Lieko Shiga, Dorothea Lange, William Eggleston, Rinko Kawauchi, Lise Sarfati, Robbert Flick, Tania Franco Klein, Steve Galloway, Graciela Iturbide, Shaun McCracken, Manfred Müller, Elger Esser, Huger Foote, Bruce Davidson, Tomoko Sawada, Megan Cotts, Shaun McCracken, Diana Markosian, and more.Read more -
Into the Blue
22 May - 14 August 2021Into The Blue will be on view from 22 May - 14 August 2021. The group exhibition features works by Jo Ann Callis, Kennedi Carter, John Chiara, Yishai Jusidman, Gayle Kabaker, Tania Franco Klein, Steve Galloway, Graciela Iturbide, Shaun McCracken, Manfred Müller, Sheila Pinkel, Maureen Selwood and Megan Cotts, Lieko Shiga, and Aaron Stern.Read more -
17 May - 22 June 2013In Ametsuchi, Rinko Kawauchi presents the field burning at Aso and the cyclical nature of life as a central motif. Along with this ritual, which has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, Kawauchi also includes images of three other subjects, which emphasize ancient ideas of time, motion, interconnectedness, and the confluence of heaven and earth: the Shiromi Kagura festival (a theatrical Shinto dance ceremony in the Miyazaki Prefecture), scenes of people praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and abstract drawings made with a laser pointer on a starry planetarium ceiling.Read more -
14 May - 25 June 2011In the devastating aftermath of the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, artist Rinko Kawauchi ventured outside with her Rolleiflex and took a photograph of the sun. As with many of Kawauchi’s images, her subject was something we all come across everyday. But on that particular day in light of ongoing turmoil, everything seemed to take on new meaning and something rather ordinary was transformed into a lyrical and quiet revelation through Kawauchi’s act of rediscovery.Read more