Dimensions: 9.5 x 12 inches
Pages: 167
Scratched, scarified and incised photographs depict the grim physical reality of decades of political struggle across various locales in Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Cuba and Mexico.
With the works of: David Consuegra, Pablo Ortiz Monasterio, Luz Maria Bedoya, Fernell Franco, Facundo de Zuviría, Paz Errázuriz, Fernando La Rosa, Adriana Lestido, Miguel Ángel Rojas, Juan Travnik, Luc Chessex, Pablo López Luz, François Dolmetsch, Johanna Calle, Agustín Martínez Castro, Paolo Gasparini, Óscar Pintor, Graciela Iturbide, Sergio Trujillo, Jaime Villaseca.
The Foundation A Stichting has joined forces with Toluca Editions to publish the catalogue of the exhibition L’Amérique Latine Éraflée.
Curators of the exhibition: Alexis Fabry and Astrid Ullens de Schooten Whettnall
This book is not yet published in the United States.