In the earliest work on show, Ke Lefa Laka: Her-Story (2013) Kganye confronts the grief she experienced following her mother’s death. “I was scared that I was beginning to forget what my mother looked like, what she sounded like, and her defining gestures,” Kganye writes in a statement that accompanies the work.
Gathering archival images, Kganye began photographing herself in the same clothes and poses as her mother, inserting herself as a ghostly presence. “The photomontages became a substitute for the paucity of memory, a forged identification and imagined conversation,” she writes.
Kganye continues to consider the role of the archive in Reconstruction of a Family (2016). In dissembling these images, she questions the truth of a story told through family albums. For many people, these photographs are their only source of information about the past. By reconstructing her family photographs with black-and-white cut-outs, Kganye alludes to a grey area where the proposed veracity of a photograph intersects with the narratives that exist in our memory.
In an extension of these ideas, Tell Tale (2018) explores stories that only exist in other’s memories. “I am mainly inspired by oral histories,” says Kganye, who references the genealogist Kimberly Powell: “Oral histories are stories told by living people about the past. Generally, these are stories of their own life and the lives of the people around them. Often an oral history includes details and stories that exist nowhere other than in the individual’s mind.”
The images in this series are based on interviews with residents of Nieu-Bethesda, a small village at the foot of the Sneeuberg Mountains in South Africa. Kganye created a series of miniature theatre sets, and staged them based on their stories. In doing so, the work comments on the potential for memory and fantasy to collide when conflicting stories are told – sometimes by the same person.
These three series together demonstrate how personal narratives, memory, family and loss are the hallmarks of Kganye’s practice. However, the title, What Are You Leaving Behind?, also refers to a departure. “The exhibition is not only an important step in my career but a new relationship altogether,” Kganye says. “I am excited about what I am leaving behind, and making room for everything else that I will be starting afresh.”