ROSEGALLERY is pleased to exhibit Starr King / Lands End, a presentation of John Chiara’s most recent works taken in his home city of San Francisco. 

Chiara’s one-of-a-kind works are primarily focused on two locations: Starr King, a 3.5 acre of natural space nestled on the southern side of Potrero Hill, and Lands End, a natural recreation area on the northwestern corner of the city that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. These spaces are compressed and transformed into complex compositions that abstract the familiar forms of the forest. 


"Memory is something you can never see perfectly clearly. You get different parts very sharply, but you never can see the full picture all the time. Also, I think memory has divergent edges and is sort of unbound in a sense. I hope that the work touches on memory in that sense—not necessarily nostalgia or a longing for the past—but more something that’s tied to reconciliation.” - John Chiara