
  • The Language of Form

    The Language of Form

    22 February - 29 March 2025

    ROSEGALLERY is pleased to present The Language of Form, a presentation of works by Chiron Duong, Karl Blossfeldt, Manfred Müller, and Rinko Kawauchi that examines the roles that stillness and movement play in artistic endeavors. Viewers are invited to reflect on the enduring beauty of natural forms that illustrate the potential of organic shapes  through photographs and collages.


    Through a blend of meticulously composed still-life photography and evocative collage works, the exhibition bridges the worlds of stillness and motion. Photography captures fleeting moments of exquisite detail, freezing the delicate textures and intricate patterns of flora, fauna, and organic materials. The collages, on the other hand, translate these natural inspirations into tactile, three-dimensional forms that celebrate movement, balance, and structure.


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